Om Svenskt fiske



ASAE dismantles eel trafficking network

ASAE dismantles eel trafficking network

The Food and Economic Safety Authority, through its National Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Unit, between November 2018 and April 2019, has conducted an investigation into environmental crimes, targeting a group of individuals who, in an organised manner, were dedicated to the illegal trafficking of juveniles of European eel (meixão) to Asian countries

In this investigation, several police operations were triggered that resulted in the identification and constitution of 10 defendants and the seizure of 137 kg of live eel, whose market value will amount to approximately €250,000.

This group was engaged in the purchase of illegal eel, both domestic and foreign (in particular from the northern region of Spain and southern France) and its export by air on commercial flights at Portuguese airports. For exports, they resorted to citizens of Asian origin, who assumed the role of 'mules' and, for financial consideration, transported living eel inside suitcases, dispatched and carried in the aircraft hold, bound for China and Vietnam. The hold bags were already prepared and adapted for the concealed transport of live eel, for example by using thermal bags and the placement of frozen water bottles to keep the temperature cool inside and thus keep the largest number of specimens alive during the trip.

The investigations in Portugal were part of a framework of joint international cooperation, under the supervision of EUROPOL and involving, in particular, the ASAE, the Spanish Civil Guard's environmental protection service (SEPRONA) and the Gendarmerie Nationale (French) OSCLAESP service as permanent operational contact.

As part of this operation, three arrests were made in the act (for which initially AT / Customs collaborated). In the following months, in the subsequent development of the inquiry and already in the design of the routes and the group's way of acting (in articulation with the referred foreign police), ASAE monitored the movement of the several defendants, who began their journeys in Spain, transporting the eel by taxi, they entered Portugal, where they stayed for a few hours in rented residences (which served as points of support), and later these couriers tried to export the eel on international flights, having been intercepted by ASAE before leaving the country.

Three search warrants were executed (2 domiciles and 1 non-domiciles), including a residence, in the Cascais area, where the logistic base to support the reception, preparation and dispatch of the eel would operate. In this place, the material used for this purpose was seized, namely, removable swimming pools, oxygen bottles, tanks, oxygen engines, scales, percolators, aeration kits, thermometers, networks, freezing bottles, computers and mobile phones. About 6,000 Euros in cash were seized, 30 hold bags (travel) and about 200 thermal bags (used for transport). The investigations proceed. The diligences have always been closely collaborated with the ICNF.

The ASAE recalls that this species is protected by Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 of 9 December 1996 implementing the CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.


Källa: The Portugal News


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