ICES Annual Report 2019
ICES Annual Report 2019 now published - A year in review.
Reflecting our seven science priorities, this publication looks back on the key activities of our organization in 2019 – from scientific publications and conferences to work relating to climate change and impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems.
"During 2019, we released our latest Strategic, Advisory, and Science plans. This trilogy lays out how we will achieve our
vision of improving and sharing our knowledge about marine ecosystems and use this to provide state-of-the-art evidence to support decision-makers sustainably manage our oceans and seas", reflects Anne Christine Brusendorff, General Secretary.
Another highlight was the extension of our Ecosystem Overview series to the deep waters of the Oceanic Northeast Atlantic, reaffirming the importance of this area to ICES.
"Our work is driven by the support and needs of our member countries and those that are dependent on our scientific advice, which in itself hinges on the work of a huge scientific community, dedicated to explore and sustain our oceans and seas", continues Brusendorff.
Reflecting our seven science priorities, this publication looks back on the key activities of our organization in 2019 – from scientific publications and conferences to work relating to climate change and impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems.
ICES Annual Report 2019 (in print)