Notice to Mariners - Erebus NtM003 v16.0 LiDAR & Mooring Recovery
Good afternoon,
Following on from Notice to Mariners (NtM003 v15.0 LiDAR & Mooring Recovery), issued on the 1 September 2021, recovery of the floating LiDAR system (51°28.775‘N 5° 36.143‘W) was successful.
An attempt to recover the damaged mooring (51°27.755’N 5°37.122’W) was unfortunately unsuccessful.
During the site visit the vessel also recovered the wave buoy (51°28.590‘N 5° 36.140‘W) however its mooring was lost during recovery.
To confirm there are currently two moorings within the proposed Erebus site, these are located at the approximate locations below:
- 51°27.755N 5°37.122W
- 51°28.590‘N 5° 36.140‘W
More information can be found within the attached NtM. A further attempt to recover the damaged mooring and lost mooring is expected to occur. A further NtM will be issued once details of the recovery attempt are known.
Kind regards,