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Parliament’s committees elect chairs and vice-chairs

All of the EP’s 20 standing committees and two subcommittees held their constitutive meetings on Wednesday to elect their chair and vice-chairs.

A committee bureau (chair and up to four vice-chairs) is elected for a two and a half year mandate. Committees deal with legislative proposals, appoint negotiating teams to conduct talks with EU ministers, adopt reports, organise hearings and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions.

More info on powers and responsibilities of EP committees


Committee on Foreign Affairs

Chair: Mr David McALLISTER (EPP, DE)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Witold Jan WASZCZYKOWSKI (ECR, PL)

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Vice-Chairs will be elected at a forthcoming meeting


Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Chair: Ms Nathalie LOISEAU (Renew Europe, FR)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Nikos ANDROULAKIS (S&D, EL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Kinga GÁL (EPP, HU)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Özlem DEMIREL (GUE/NGL, DE)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Lukas MANDL (EPP, AT)


Subcommittee on Human Rights

Chair: Ms Maria ARENA (S&D, BE)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Irina VON WIESE (Renew Europe, UK)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Hannah NEUMANN (GREENS/EFA, DE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Karoline EDTSTADLER (EPP, AT)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Raphaël GLUCKSMANN (S&D, FR)


Committee on Development

Chair: Mr Tomas TOBÉ (EPP, SE)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Pierrette HERZBERGER-FOFANA (Greens/EFA, DE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Norbert NEUSER (S&D, DE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Chrysoula ZACHAROPOULOU (Renew Europe, FR)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Erik MARQUARDT (Greens/EFA, DE)


Committee on International Trade

Chair: Mr Bernd LANGE (S&D, DE)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Jan ZAHRADIL (ECR, CZ)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Iuliu WINKLER (EPP, RO)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Anna-Michelle ASIMAKOPOULOU (EPP, EL)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE (Renew Europe, FR)


Committee on Budgets


1st Vice-Chair: Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI (EPP, PL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Olivier CHASTEL (Renew Europe, BE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Margarida MARQUES (S&D, PT)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Niclas HERBST (EPP, DE)


Committee on Budgetary Control

Chair: Ms Monika HOHLMEIER (EPP, DE)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Isabel GARCÍA MUÑOZ (S&D, ES)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Caterina CHINNICI (S&D, IT)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Martina DLABAJOVÁ (Renew Europe, CZ)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Tamás DEUTSCH (EPP, HU)


Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Chair: Mr Roberto GUALTIERI (S&D, IT)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Luděk NIEDERMAYER (EPP, CZ)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Stephanie YON-COURTIN (Renew Europe, FR)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr Derk Jan EPPINK (ECR, NL)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr José GUSMÃO (GUE/NGL, PT)


Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

The bureau will be elected in a forthcoming meeting


Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Chair: Mr. Pascal CANFIN (Renew Europe, FR)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Bas EICKHOUT (Greens/EFA, NL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Seb DANCE (S&D, UK)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI (EPP, RO)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Anja HAZEKAMP (GUE/NGL, NL)


Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Chair: Ms Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN (EPP, RO)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Zdzisław KRASNODĘBSKI (ECR, PL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Morten PETERSEN (RE, DK)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Patrizia TOIA (S&D, IT)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Lina GALVEZ MUÑOZ (S&D, ES)


Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Chair: Ms Petra DE SUTTER (Greens/EFA, BE)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Pierre KARLESKIND (Renew Europe, FR)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Maria GRAPINI (S&D, RO)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Róża THUN (EPP, PL)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Maria Manuel LEITÃO MARQUES (S&D, PT)


Committee on Transport and Tourism

Chair: Ms Karima DELLI (Greens/EFA, FR)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Johan DANIELSSON (S&D, SE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Sven SCHULZE (EPP, DE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr István UJHELYI (S&D, HU)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Jan-Christoph OETJEN (Renew Europe, DE)


Committee on Regional Development

Chair: Mr Younous OMARJEE (GUE/NGL, FR)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Krzysztof HETMAN (EPP, PL)

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Vice-Chairs will be elected at a forthcoming meeting


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Chair: Mr Norbert LINS (EPP, DE)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Francisco GUERREIRO (Greens/EFA, PT)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Daniel BUDA (EPP, RO)

The 3rd and 4th Vice-Chairs will be elected in a forthcoming meeting


Committee on Fisheries

Chair: Mr Chris DAVIES (Renew Europe, UK)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Peter van DALEN (EPP, NL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Søren GADE (Renew Europe, DK)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr Giuseppe Ferrandino (S&D, IT)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR (EPP, PT)


Committee on Culture and Education

Chair: Ms Sabine VERHEYEN (EPP, DE)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Romeo FRANZ (Greens/EFA, DE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Dace MELBĀRDE (ECR, LV)

The 3rd and 4th Vice-Chairs will be elected in a forthcoming meeting


Committee on Legal Affairs

Chair: Ms Lucy NETHSINGHA ( Renew Europe, UK)

1st Vice-Chair: Mr Sergey LAGODINSKY (Greens/EFA, DE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Marion WALSMANN (EPP, DE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr Ibán GARCIA DEL BLANCO (S&D, ES)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Raffaele STANCANELLI (ECR, IT)


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Chair: Mr Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR (S&D, ES)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Maite PAGAZAURTUNDÚA (RE, ES)

2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Pietro BARTOLO (S&D, IT)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Emil RADEV (EPP, BG)

The 3rd Vice-Chair will be elected in a forthcoming meeting


Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Chair: Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT)

1st Vice-Chair: Gabriele Bischoff (S&D, DE)

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Vice-Chairs will be elected at a forthcoming meeting


Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

Chair: Ms Evelyn REGNER (S&D, AT)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Eugenia RODRÍGUEZ PALOP (GUE/NGL, ES)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD (Greens/EFA, FR)

3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Elissavet VOZEMBERG-VRIONIDI (EPP, EL)

4th Vice-Chair: Mr Robert BIEDROŃ (S&D, PL)


Committee on Petitions

Chair: Ms Dolors MONTSERRAT (EPP, ES)

1st Vice-Chair: Ms Tatjana ŽDANOKA (GREENS/EFA, LV)

2nd Vice-Chair: Ms Yana TOOM (Renew Europe, EE)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mr Ryszard CZARNECKI (ECR, PL)

4th Vice-Chair: Ms Cristina MAESTRE MARTÍN DE ALMAGRO (S&D, ES)




Vad är SFPO?

Sveriges Fiskares Producentorganisation (SFPO) är Sveriges största organisation för yrkesfiskare och arbetar för att tillvarata våra medlemmars intressen.

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Bli medlem

SFPO är Sveriges största yrkesfiskeorganisation, med runt 250 medlemsfartyg. Vi har medlemmar från Strömstad till Haparanda och fartygens storlek varierar från under 5 meter i längd till strax över 34 meter.

Alla yrkesfiskare är välkomna som medlemmar!

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Kontakta oss

Peter Ronelöv Olsson (Ordförande)
0705-55 31 87
[email protected]

Teija Aho (Vice Ordförande)
0763-75 80 32
[email protected]

Fredrik Lindberg (Ombudsman)
0705-70 41 14
[email protected]

Marika Nilsson (Ekonomiansvarig)
0708-93 89 88
[email protected]

Ingemar Berglund (Utredare)
0760-26 40 44
[email protected]

Mathias Ivarsson (Ombudsman)
0707-77 19 32
[email protected]

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