Om Svenskt fiske



Workshop om torsk i Kattegatt

In the view of the fishing industry the Cod in the Kattegat has been mismanaged in recent years. 

In 2015 ICES finally presented a stock assessment for the cod in the Kattegat. This assessment 

suggests that the stock is at about the same level as it was in 2007. The population has grown over 

the past 6 years in a row and in 2015, it was estimated to be nearly 7 times as large as it was in 

2009 where it was at the lowest. However, over the same period, the TAC was reduced from 500 

tons to just 100 tons.

Though a step in the right direction was taken with the setting of a TAC of 370 tons for 2016 there is 

still in the view of the fishing industry a long way to go – not least in the light of the forthcoming

introduction of a landing obligation. The TAC does still not reflect the considerable increase in the 

cod population that fishermen experience on a daily basis in the Kattegat.

On this background the aim of the workshop is to rethink the present management model 

moving towards a sustainable cod fishery in the Kattegat.

Workshop 29 January 2016, 10-15.00 hrs 

at DTU Aqua, Charlottenlund Slot, Jægersborg Allé, 2920 

Charlottenlund, Denmark

Registration at the latest 23 January 2016:

 Call +45 33 36 60 36 (Vibeke Soele), or email [email protected]



Vad är SFPO?

Sveriges Fiskares Producentorganisation (SFPO) är Sveriges största organisation för yrkesfiskare och arbetar för att tillvarata våra medlemmars intressen.

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Bli medlem

SFPO är Sveriges största yrkesfiskeorganisation, med runt 250 medlemsfartyg. Vi har medlemmar från Strömstad till Haparanda och fartygens storlek varierar från under 5 meter i längd till strax över 34 meter.

Alla yrkesfiskare är välkomna som medlemmar!

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Kontakta oss

Peter Ronelöv Olsson (Ordförande)
0705-55 31 87
[email protected]

Teija Aho (Vice Ordförande)
0763-75 80 32
[email protected]

Fredrik Lindberg (Ombudsman)
0705-70 41 14
[email protected]

Marika Nilsson (Ekonomiansvarig)
0708-93 89 88
[email protected]

Ingemar Berglund (Utredare)
0760-26 40 44
[email protected]

Mathias Ivarsson (Ombudsman)
0707-77 19 32
[email protected]

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